Barking Back: Dispelling 10 Misguided Beliefs About Dogs

Dogs are the most popular pets by a wide margin and for good reason. They’re loyal, lovable, and easy to train. Despite this, there are many misconceptions about them that have persisted for years. Here are ten of the biggest myths about dogs and why they’re just not true!

They Like Hugs

photo of man hugging tan dog
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Don’t project your worldview onto a dog. Just because you like hugging them doesn’t mean they like having your face and body so close to them. In fact, hugs are very stressful for many dogs because they involve an invasion of personal space.

Getting Them Spayed or Neutered

long-coated white puppy litter
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

A common misconception holds that getting your dog spayed or neutered will negatively impact their personality. This isn’t the case, though. Again, don’t project a human outlook onto a dog. They won’t be “traumatized” by the event! Your vet knows how to safely perform such a routine procedure, and it won’t make your dog suddenly hate you.

Bad Breath

adult chocolate Labrador retriever
Photo by James Barker on Unsplash

Some people shrug off their dog’s bad breath as being normal or unavoidable. This isn’t the case, though. If your dog has bad breath, something might be wrong with them. They could be experiencing dental trouble or even an underlying medical condition that they’ll need treatment for.

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When They’re Fully Grown

brown long coat medium dog on brown field during daytime
Photo by Kojirou Sasaki on Unsplash

Many people assume that dogs are fully grown when they look to be about the same size as an adult dog. This isn’t true, though. Think of all the teenagers you’ve seen who have the same height and weight as adults but still have the mind of a child. It’s the same way for dogs under a year old. No matter how big they are, they’re still puppies!

Food Variety

puppy beside pet bowl
Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

Humans thrive on variety, but dogs are very different. They don’t need you to mix up their food all the time to keep them interested in their mealtime. Dogs actually prefer routine over variety. That’s why it’s so important to choose a food and stick with it.

Diet Supplements

white and brown english bulldog on brown wooden table
Photo by Kabo on Unsplash

On this same note, your dog probably doesn’t need diet supplements. If you feed them good, nutritionally balanced food, they’re going to be just fine. Don’t fall for the marketing hype that makes you think you need to buy the latest supplements to have a healthy dog.

Obedience Training

white and brown short coat medium dog on green grass field during daytime
Photo by Destiny Wiens on Unsplash

Some dog owners hear “obedience training” and assume it’s a program for dogs with behavior issues. This isn’t the case. In truth, most dogs could benefit from obedience training. It’s good to be able to trust your dog in any scenario because you know they’ll heed your commands in a pinch.

Being in the Yard

white and brown long coated dog lying on green grass during daytime
Photo by Honest Paws on Unsplash

“Being in the yard gets my dog all the exercise they need!” That couldn’t be further from the truth. You need to take your dog on plenty of walks and make sure you have routine playtime with them so they’re getting enough exercise. Just letting them run around the yard unsupervised won’t cut it.

Read More: 10 Dog Training Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

They’re Vindictive

two dogs fighting on grass
Photo by Jay Heike on Unsplash

“My dog tore up my sofa to punish me for not taking them on a walk!” Once again, this is projecting human emotions onto a dog. Dogs like to tear things up when they’re bored. They don’t see this as angry or vindictive, they’re just being dogs. Don’t hold their behavior issues against them as though it’s a moral failing.

Read More: 10 Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Destructive Behavior

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

black short coat large dog
Photo by Michael on Unsplash

You can, as a matter of fact, teach an old dog new tricks. You just need to be patient with them and help them unlearn behaviors that they’ve established over the years. Be gentle and give them lots of praise and positive reinforcement when they do well and you’ll see them pick up new tricks after all.

Read More: 7 Ways to Teach an Old Dogs New Tricks

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