10 Black Dog Breeds You’re Sure to Love

We know how important it is never to judge a person based on their skin color, and the same should apply to animals. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Sadly, dogs with black coats are the least likely to get adopted from shelters, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). In fact, one study found black labradors were perceived as “27% less friendly!” Yet, in reality, black labs might just be the friendliest dogs on the planet. They love to play, cuddle, and always know how to cheer up anyone’s day.

Here are 10 lovable black dog breeds in a variety of shapes and sizes.

1. Labrador Retriever


Breed Info • Labrador Retriever

AKC Breed Group: Sporting Group
Average Height: 21.5-24.5 inches
Average Weight: 55-80 pounds
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Trainability: Easy
Energy Level: High
Shedding: High
Barking: Medium

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The Labrador retriever has been the most popular dog in the United States for the past three decades, and for good reason! Labs are intelligent, easy to train, even-tempered, and pretty much nonstop happy. They want nothing more than to make someone’s day!

Labrador retrievers are the perfect family dog because they are affectionate, good with young children, and good with other dogs. Besides the color black, Labs also come in yellow and chocolate (dark brown). And, while they do shed a bit, this can be easily managed with regular brushing.

2. Pomeranian


Breed Info • Pomeranian

AKC Breed Group: Toy Group
Average Height: 6-7 inches
Average Weight: 3-7 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
Trainability: Medium
Energy Level: Medium
Shedding: Low
Barking: Medium to High

These adorable, tiny furballs might just be the cutest dogs on the planet. Just look at that face! But, while they have a lovey-dovey personality and love to cling to their owners, they should be supervised around young children and other dogs. Sometimes they don’t realize how small they really are!

Simply put, these little guys are a bit spunky and vocal. They also have a long, double coat that requires weekly grooming and sheds a little. And, in addition to black, the AKC recognizes 18 other standard coat colors, as well as five additional colors.

3. Pug


Breed Info • Pug

AKC Breed Group: Toy Group
Average Height: 10-13 inches
Average Weight: 14-18 pounds
Life Expectancy: 13-15 years
Trainability: Medium
Energy Level: Low
Shedding: Medium
Barking: Low

Don’t mind us, we just can’t stop staring at that tongue! These tiny dogs with short snouts and curly tails love to cuddle up with family, are good with young children, and are mostly good with other dogs. And, while they love to play, they are equally happy lounging with their favorite humans.

Pugs have a smooth, short coat that only requires weekly grooming, but they do have a significant amount of shedding. However, this can easily be controlled with more frequent brushing. And, although the fawn color with black trim is the most well-known, the AKC also recognizes solid black as a standard color.

4. Scottish Terrier


Breed Info • Scottish Terrier

AKC Breed Group: Terrier Group
Average Height: 10 Inches
Average Weight: 18-22 Pounds
Life Expectancy: 12 Years
Trainability: Medium
Energy Level: Medium
Shedding: Low to Medium
Barking: Medium to High

Scotties have a unique appearance with long bodies, short legs, prominent heads, and fur that makes them look as if they have a mustache. Safe to say they look very unique! But, while they can be very lovey-dovey with family, they can be particular with young children and aggressive with other dogs. While this shouldn’t be cause for concern, it is something to keep in mind!

Not to mention, their alert nature makes them very good watch dogs. And, although everyone thinks of these dogs as black, the AKC recognizes 5 other standard colors including black brindle, brindle, red brindle, silver brindle, and wheaten.

5. Standard Poodle


Breed Info • Poodle

AKC Breed Groups: Toy: Toy group/Miniature: Non-sporting Group/Standard: Non-sporting Group
Average Height: Toy: No more than 10 inches/Miniature: 10-15 inches/Standard: over 15 inches
Average Weight: 4-6 pounds/Miniature: 10-15 pounds/Standard: 40-70 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Trainability: Easy
Energy Level: Medium
Shedding: Low
Barking: Low

Considered the second-most intelligent breed of dogs, poodles are playful, highly trainable, and affectionate with family and young children. Poodles are quick to pick up commands and won’t tear up your shoes (or at least not as often as some other dog breeds). However, they should probably be supervised around other dog, just in case!

But, despite the fact they are easy to train, Poodles do require a bit of maintenance. In fact, these dogs have a long, curly coat that requires nearly daily grooming. In addition to black — and the standard white —the AKC recognizes 10 other standard colors, as well as 16 additional colors.

6. Staffordshire Bull Terrier


Breed Info • Staffordshire Bull Terrier

AKC Breed Group: Terrier Group
Average Height: 14-16 Inches
Average Weight: 24-38 Pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-14 Years
Trainability: High
Energy Level: Medium to High
Shedding: Low to Medium
Barking: Medium

Although this muscular breed was originally bred for fighting, nowadays, Staffordshire Bull Terriers are good-natured and sweet. They are total lovers who are affectionate with family and good with children. In fact, they are often referred to as “nanny dogs” for their gentle and patient behavior with children. Staffies are strong and robust, which means they can handle the rough play that often comes with kids.

But, although they are great around kids, they should be supervised around other dogs. Staffies have a short, smooth coat, which leads to just a little bit of shedding that requires weekly grooming. And, besides all-black, the AKC recognizes 14 additional standard colors and 2 others.

7. Giant Schnauzer


Breed Info • Giant Schnauzer

AKC Breed Group: Working Group
Average Height: 23.5-27.5 Inches
Average Weight: 55-85 Pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-15 Years
Trainability: High
Energy Level: High
Shedding: Medium
Barking: Medium

Essentially a larger and more powerful version of the standard schnauzer, giant schnauzers are highly intelligent dogs that are very loyal and protective. They are affectionate with their family, but can be a little more difficult to calm down around young children and other dogs. However, once they are well-acquainted with other animals they will be just fine!

Schnauzers have a wiry, medium-length double coat that needs nearly daily grooming, with a moderate amount of shedding. The AKC recognizes standard colors of black and pepper & salt, but schnauzer coats also come in fawn, and black & tan.

8. Doberman Pinscher


Breed Info • Doberman Pinscher

AKC Breed Group: Working Group
Average Height: 24-28 Inches
Average Weight: 60-100 Pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-12 Years
Trainability: High
Energy Level: High
Shedding: Medium to High
Barking: Medium

Well-known as and feared as watchdogs, Doberman pinschers have an intimidating appearance, yet they are actually lovey-dovey with family and good with young children. In fact, they are known for their protective instincts, which can provide a strong sense of security to their families. They should, however, be supervised around other dogs. Simply put, Dobermans are intelligent, high-energy, and highly trainable.

They have a smooth, short coat with heavy shedding that requires at least monthly grooming. Although mostly black with rust trimming, the AKC recognizes 3 other colors including blue & rust, fawn & rust, and red & rust. There are also rare white coats.

Read More: The Most High-Maintenance Dog Breeds

9. Rottweiler


Breed Info • Rottweiler

AKC Breed Group: Working Group
Average Height: 22-27 Inches
Average Weight: 80-135 Pounds
Life Expectancy: 9-10 Years
Trainability: High
Energy Level: Medium
Shedding: Medium
Barking: Low

Due to their intimidating appearance, these dogs are quite often misunderstood. Although they do work as guard dogs and can be aloof with strangers, they are actually gentle, calm, and affectionate with family. Rotties should be supervised, however, with young children and other dogs. As long as they are trained well and cared for properly, Rottweilers are a great family dog and very loving. It’s just important they have the proper training necessary at a young age.

Though mostly black, with a short, smooth coat, Rottweilers have rust, tan, or mahogany markings on their heads, necks, shoulders, and paws. They have moderate shedding and require monthly coat grooming.

Read More: The 10 Most Affectionate Dog Breeds You’ll Want to Cuddle

10. Newfoundland


Breed Info • Newfoundland

AKC Breed Group: Working Group
Average Height: 26-28 inches
Average Weight: 100-150 pounds
Life Expectancy: 9-10 years
Trainability: Medium
Energy Level: Medium
Shedding: Medium
Barking: Low

These gentle giants are affectionate with family and good with young children and other dogs. They do have a moderate amount of shedding and need weekly grooming of their medium-length, water-resistant double coat. Be sure to keep a towel around — they’re big droolers.

Also, did you know Newfoundlands are excellent swimmers? Well, they are! So, if your family loves to swim, this may be the breed for you! And, besides black, Newfoundlands are also recognized in three other standard colors by the AKC: Brown, gray, white & black. They also come in beige, black & tan, and white & brown. 

Read More: 11 White Dog Breeds From Small and Sleek to Large and Fluffy


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