Getting Started: Cats

Are you a true blue cat person? Or do you suspect you are but haven’t taken the plunge yet? Either way, you’ve come to the right place!

Consider this your one-stop-shop to learn about keeping your kitty healthy and happy. From helping you choose your purrfect feline companion, to understanding their oh-so-mysterious behaviors (plus how to discourage some destructive ones), to keeping them in tip-top shape throughout all nine of their lives — we want to make sure this journey is as rewarding as possible.

From all of us here at Pets Hub USA, we wish you health, happiness, and heart-melting kitty snugs and head butts from all your little angels (and demons).

Welcoming A Cat

Choosing Your New Companion

Click around within these pages to find helpful tips on how to find your perfect companion cat,  a comprehensive checklist for what you need to know before bringing a brand new kitten home, tips to bond with your new family member, and some musings about the oh-so-sweet and rewarding journey of adopting an older cat.

A young girl interacting with a stray cat
10 Things to Know Before You Bring in a Stray Cat
Taking in a stray cat requires more care and patience than adopting a kitten, but can result in a loving,...
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Tabby Kittens on Floral Comforter
Toy Ideas for Cats Based on Personality Types
Cats have lots of different personalities. Each personality type lends itself to a different kind of...
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brown cat sleeping on white textile
10 Reasons to Never Declaw Your Cat
Declawing is an amputation procedure that can cause a cat pain throughout its lifetime. Here are 10 reasons...
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Behavior & Training

Going the Distance

Cats are mysterious — that’s just how it is. But we have invaluable resources for you, like cat myths that need to be forgotten (like, yesterday), how to understand what their noises mean, how to bathe them without incident or injury, and, very importantly, how to “discipline” your cat the right way

An Orange Tabby Cat Lying on a Cardboard Box
12 Ways Your Cat Is Saying "I Love You"
Cats show their love very differently than humans or other animals do. They express themselves through...
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A cute but shy cat
10 Ways to Bring Your Shy Cat Out of Her Shell
With understanding, patience, and a gentle and consistent approach, timid felines can be coaxed out of...
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tabby cat on ledge
Tips for Bringing an Outside Cat Inside
Do you need to bring your outdoor cat inside? If so, we've got a few tips that can make things easier...
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They Are What They Eat

Kitties are notoriously finicky eaters, they have a tendency not to drink enough water, and their little systems are not set up to digest a lot of common foods you’ve got in your home. Luckily, we’ve got all the info you need to keep them well-fed and happy.


Indoor Living

Keeping your cat healthy and happy often means keeping them away from the great outdoors and establishing soothing yet entertaining environments for them in your home. We’ve also got tips on how to keep you and your family healthy and happy while you cohabitate. 

Bella's catio
10 Features to Include in a Catio
A Catio, or cat enclosure, is much more than a zone for keeping felines safe outdoors. It can be an escape...
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Sincere woman embracing adorable cat near plant in room
Toxic Houseplants to Keep Your Pets Away From
If your pets and plants share the same space indoors, be forewarned that some houseplants can be toxic...
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White and Grey Kitten Smelling White Daisy Flower
Why You Should Build a Catio This Summer
Cats love going outside, but it’s usually better to keep them indoors so they can stay safe. If you’re...
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Providing expert tips, practical advice, and personalized product recommendations for happy and healthy pets. Part of the Castaway Studios media network.

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