10 Habits That Secretly Make Your Cat Despise You - Pet Hub USA

10 Habits That Secretly Make Your Cat Despise You

Cats have a way of silently judging our every move, and more often than not, their disdain is well-earned. In our attempts to show affection or share a laugh, we might inadvertently irritate the feline companions we adore. If you’ve ever wondered why your cat gives you the cold shoulder or plots mischief in your absence, you might be guilty of committing some common cat faux pas.

This list delves into ten ways we might unintentionally get on our furry friends’ nerves, providing insight into their mysterious world and helping us become more considerate pet owners.

10. You dress them up in costumes

Bumblebee Cat Costume (8126573448)” by Petful from New York City, USA is licensed under CC BY 2.0

While those cat-in-a-taco costumes may be adorable to us, most felines despise wearing clothes. Costumes restrict movement, interfere with whiskers, and can be stressful. Your cat’s giving you the death glare because they’d rather show off their natural fur coat than be your personal dress-up doll. Save the costumes for Halloween Instagram posts and let your kitty be au naturel.

9. You blow in their face for fun

hissing cat
Lion cat” by James Broad is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Think blowing in your cat’s face is hilarious? Think again! Cats have sensitive whiskers and noses, making this seemingly harmless prank a major irritant. It’s like someone unexpectedly sneezing in your face – not cool, right? Your feline friend might start plotting their revenge, so keep your breath to yourself and find less annoying ways to bond.

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8. You wake them up from naps to cuddle

white cat sleeps under white comforter
Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, and they take their naps seriously. Interrupting their precious slumber for your selfish cuddle needs is a surefire way to earn their feline wrath. Remember, a well-rested cat is a happy cat – and a happy cat is less likely to plot your demise while you sleep.

7. You ignore their subtle “leave me alone” signals

A white and grey cat with green eyes peering through green leaves of a houseplant.
A white and grey cat with green eyes peering through green leaves of a houseplant.” by Mosne / Paolo Tesei is licensed under CC CC0 1.0

Cats are masters of non-verbal communication. If you keep petting when they’re flicking their tail, flattening their ears, or giving you side-eye, you’re basically asking for a scratch. Learn to read these “back off” cues, or risk being demoted from cat servant to persona non grata in your own home.

6. You force them to listen to your singing

shallow focus photo of orange cat near laptop computer
Photo by Catherine Heath on Unsplash

Cats have sensitive hearing, and your off-key rendition of “Memory” from Cats might be their worst nightmare. Some felines react dramatically to singing, climbing all over their owners or even biting to make it stop. If your cat gives you the stink eye during your shower concerts, take the hint and save your vocals for the car.

5. You rub their belly like they’re a dog

Cat’s belly in sunlight” by Perryprog is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

When your cat shows you their fluffy tummy, it’s a sign of trust, not an invitation for belly rubs. Unlike dogs, most cats find belly touches overstimulating or even threatening. Respect their boundaries and stick to chin scratches instead. Your cat will appreciate your restraint and might even forgive you for that catnip-scented cologne you wore last week.

4. You try to make them “fetch”

Marcus’s cat playing fetch IMG_5022” by tonylanciabeta is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Contrary to popular belief, some cats actually enjoy playing fetch. A recent study found that over 40% of cats play fetch at least sometimes, with Siamese breeds being particularly fond of the game. However, cats typically initiate and end the game on their own terms. Forcing your feline to fetch might just earn you a disdainful glare.

3. You move their favorite napping spot

Hairy cat napping in the shadow.” by vatoyiit is licensed under CC CC0 1.0

How dare you disrupt your cat’s perfectly selected slumber sanctuary? Whether it’s a sun-warmed windowsill or your freshly laundered sweater, relocating their chosen nap zone is a cardinal sin. Expect icy glares and passive-aggressive fur deposits on your pillow as retribution for this unforgivable offense.

Read More: Top 10 Simple Tricks to Help Calm Your Moody Cat

2. You insist on bathing them regularly

cat bath

Most cats are excellent self-groomers and rarely need baths. If you’re constantly dunking your feline friend in water, you’re likely on their hit list. Cats generally hate water and find baths stressful. Unless your vet recommends it or your cat rolled in something toxic, skip the spa day and let them handle their own hygiene.

Read More: 10 Things You Do that Annoy Your Cat

1. You don’t respect the sanctity of the litter box

Cat sleeping in litter box
he sleeps in the litter box” by wolfsavard is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Your cat’s litter box is their private sanctuary, not a public restroom. If you’re constantly moving it, neglecting to clean it, or worse, watching them use it, you’re basically the feline equivalent of a creepy bathroom attendant. Give your cat some privacy and dignity, or risk their furry wrath.

Read More: 10 Adorable Things Your Cat Does When You’re Not Home

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