If you’re considering getting a dog and can’t decide whether to choose a male or female, these tips will help. There are gender differences in dog personalities and behavior. Just don’t forget that breed plays a huge role!
11. The Personality of Male Dogs
Generally speaking, male dogs are thought to be more active, likely to wander and escape to roam, territorial, and affectionate. However, male dogs also have a higher likelihood of becoming aggressive. Male dogs are considered a good choice for active, outdoor types who will give their dogs plenty of opportunities for exercise.
10. The Personality of Female Dogs
Female dogs are considered caring, loyal, natural nurturers, and easier to train. However, many can be independent and sometimes aloof. Nonetheless, female dogs are more likely to listen consistently to commands. Female dogs are considered a great fit for someone looking for a trusted companion who will stick with them on walks or wherever they are.
9. Male Dogs Display Dominance?
Male dogs have long been viewed as being more dominant than females. However, recent research on wolf behavior revealed young wolves don’t fight for dominance, as their parents are unchallenged pack leaders. This means that your male dog that barks, jumps, humps, or bites – is not displaying dominance. It could mean your dog is anxious, fearful, startled, or simply playful.
8. Female Dogs Are More Trainable, But…
Female dogs tend to be more attentive. A female dog may be more focused during training and, thus, is easier to instruct. Both male and female dogs strive to please their owner. Therefore, if you’re looking for an obedient dog, the breed you choose is more important than gender. Certain breeds are more trainable than others.
7. Male Dogs Are More Active?
It’s not a fact, but a popular opinion that male dogs are more active than females. Nonetheless, a dog’s overall activity level is determined more by its breed than anything else. For example, a Border Collie of either sex is hyperactive compared to a male English Bulldog. Therefore, consider the activity needs of the breed when choosing a canine companion.
6. Female Dogs Are More Calm
Generally speaking, female dogs may need less exercise. They are smaller and less inclined to roam and mark their territory. Female dogs also tend to stick closer to their owners. Their focus is more on loyalty and protection rather than exploring or meaning. Some believe females mature quicker, becoming calm around age 1, rather than age 2 for males.
5. Male Dogs Roam and Are More Territorial
Male dogs are programmed to find a mate. Therefore, they are more likely to escape and roam in the pursuit of mating. Likewise, they protect their “territory” by urinating around your property boundaries or beyond, to leave their mark. Additionally, they may defend their territory by becoming aggressive with people or other animals.
4. Female Dogs Show More Loyalty
According to research, female dogs have demonstrated more attentive behavior toward humans than male dogs. While male dogs will also display protective behavior, females tend to be more protective overall. Female dogs will stick close to their human to “guard them.” This attentiveness also comes from female dogs’ maternal instincts.
3. Male Dogs Are More Aggressive
Aggression is a natural aspect of the behavior of all dogs. Aggression is often triggered by anxiety, fear, or an instinct to protect. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that male dogs have more aggressive tendencies. Therefore, training is important for managing aggressive behaviors. However, breed is one of the most crucial factors in the presence of a dog’s aggressive traits.
Read More: Are Women Dog Trainers More Effective?
2. The Health of Female Dogs
Female dogs are prone to joint problems and cognitive decline, while smaller females have a lower risk of heart disease. Spaying prevents pyometra (infection in the uterus), which can be fatal. However, spaying can cause incontinence. Incontinence is twice as likely in females spayed before their first season, so consider delaying spaying until your female dog is mature.
Read More: The 10 Best Dog Breeds for Empty Nesters
1. The Health of Male Dogs
Male dogs are more prone to developing joint problems. Neutering removes the risk of testicular cancer, reduces the risk of prostate cancer, and reduces anxiety and aggression. On the downside, it reduces a dog’s metabolism and increases the risk of ligament injuries. Don’t neuter before 12 months, as it increases the risk of joint problems and some cancers.