Cats make wonderful pets and are one of the most popular picks for furry companions. However, despite their popularity and ubiquity, several misconceptions about them persist in popular perception. Let’s take a moment to debunk ten of the biggest myths about cats!
Solitary Hunters

While cats are solitary hunters in the wild, they’re not inherently opposed to companionship when kept inside. They’re domesticated animals that love their human caretakers and can form deep bonds with your other pets, including other cats, dog, and even rabbits, ferrets, and reptiles!
Night Vision

Cats can see very well in low light conditions. However, they’re not magic. They can’t see in complete darkness. Your cat needs at least a little bit of light filtering in to be able to perceive their surroundings. They just need far less light than you do to make their way around without bumping into things!
Cats Always Land on Their Feet

Cats have a reputation for landing on their feet unharmed no matter how far they fall. This myth is understandable. Cats have a natural “righting reflex” that helps them twist around to land on their feet when they begin to fall. However, if they’re stunned or falling from a shorter distance, they can and will land on their sides or even upside down.
Happy Purrs

Most cat owners associate the sounds of purrs with a happy, contented kitty. However, cats don’t just purr when they’re happy. Some cats have been observed purring when they’re angry or in distress. It’s possible that purring in these intense moments is a way for the cat to try to calm themselves down, but we don’t understand the mechanisms or purpose of purring very well.
Nine Lives

Folklore holds that cats have nine lives. This myth is likely related to the adage that “cats always land on their feet”. After seeing a cat narrowly scamper away from danger or survive a truly terrifying fall, it’s easy to assume they just “used up” one of their nine lives. In reality, they’re just resourceful, cautious animals who know how to avoid danger.

The image of a housecat happily lapping up milk from a saucer is common enough that some cat owners just assume their pet kitties need milk to be healthy. Most cats are actually lactose intolerant once they’re adults. While cats certainly love milk, it’s not really that good for them! There are better treats to offer your kitty that won’t make them sick.

This is another myth where it’s easy to understand the origins. Cats seem to sleep all day, so they must be nocturnal, right? Not really! They’re crepuscular, a type of sleep organization that means they’re most active when the sun is rising or setting. They share this trait with other animals like rabbits, lions, and some types of owls.
You Should Declaw Them

Don’t you hate it when your cat scratches up your furniture or nicks you with their claws? It’s time to get them declawed, right? Wrong. Declawing cats is painful and traumatic for them. Imagine if someone surgically removed the tips of your fingers. There are better ways to handle cat behavior issues than having their paws maimed for your convenience.
Read More: 10 Reasons to Never Declaw Your Cat
They Can’t Learn Tricks

The old joke that a difficult task is “tougher than herding cats” underscores the popular conception that kitties are not obedient and can’t learn tricks. This isn’t true, though! Cats are intelligent, inquisitive creatures who can learn a variety of tricks. You just need to be patient and use lots of positive reinforcement.
Read More: 10 Most Intelligent Cat Breeds
They’re Not Loving

This is perhaps the biggest and most damaging myth about cats. Some people who haven’t had cats often or have had limited experiences with them claim that cats simply won’t love you the way a dog will. This couldn’t be further from the truth, though. Cats are sweet, affectionate animals who will offer you as much love and companionship as a dog. You just need to learn to understand their body language and meet them where they are!
Read More: Common Cat Noises and What They Mean